$222.00 USD

Human Technology Assessment™ ✨🧠✨

Get your Human Technology Assessment™ for 110+ calibrations of your physical organs, glands, body systems and their corresponding light quotient measured in millivolts.

PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 48 HOURS for your Human Technology Assessment to be prepared. Even longer if ordered on a Friday or over the weekend. Check your  SPAM box before contacting us for missing reports.

Your report will include YOUR specific readings for 110+ calibrations as Kimberly remotely accesses your quantum energy field without needing to speak to you, know anything about you, nor needing to see a picture of you. Assessment includes:

What you'll get:

  • A written report specific to you, personally calibrated by Kimberly
  • A complimentary 30-minute chat so Kimberly can answer all your questions about the report.
  • 20-min MediClearing Practice “Run Your Energy” MP3 - Access where your dreams already exist! ✨🥳✨

Kimberly Sherry guides you in harnessing the power within to amplify your inner radiance and bring transformative shifts into your life.

Kimberly is not a medical nor mental health professional. She does not diagnose nor treat medical or mental health conditions. Kimberly's work is intended to complement working with your medical doctor or mental health professional 
not replace it. If you have a serious illness, or mental health disorder, please consult a medical or mental health professional. She can not control the efforts one will bring to the process.

What People Are Saying:

"Your report has nailed what is going on with me. You are amazing!"

Deb Dutcher

After our call and the following days, I definitely felt that something had moved out of the way. I can sense the difference between before and after. What felt absolute true for me and no way for me to change because I thought I have no power in the situation and was powerless, now feels like faint limiting beliefs that I can easily shift. I realize that instead of trying hard to succeed I was trying hard to not succeed by creating situations to find a reason why I can't level up because it would be easier to give up. Now I see clearly and process things differently. I am feeling new inspirations about things I couldn't understand before. I am more than happy and grateful about this report. Ocean of love 💕

Inna S.

Kimberly... thank you soooooooooo much for my Vibrational Altitude Report and for seeing ME and liberating me from all the disempowering entities and energies! You've definitely influenced the trajectory of my life! I am infinitely grateful!

Suzaita Hipolito