Do You Know Where YOU Are On The Energetic ✨🔮 Spectrum?
Your deepest dreams and desires already exist in higher frequencies. You just need to align to them. Get your Vibrational Altitude Report™ for 45+ calibrations and find out which vibrations need elevating and which low vibrating energies need to be eliminated. You may be closer than you realize.
"You can't gain any altitude if you're flying under the radar."
~ Kimberly Sherry ~
You attract into your life what you energetically emit...that's the Law.
In order to allow the Law of Attraction to work in your favor, it's imperative for you to know where you stand vibrationally.
Instead of relying on SYMPTOMS to determine what your energetic issues are, numbers are more specific to tell you the degree of misalignment and where you are specifically holding the blocks that bring your vibes down.
If you are struggling in ANY area of your life, it will show up in these numbers. Your life will start to make more sense once you know your vibrational read.
Tell me more!
WHAT THIS WILL DO FOR YOU? By answering the following questions in your mind, you can determine how helpful knowing your calibrations and shifting them will be.
- Mind ~ what is the frequency of the thoughts you think about the most? The higher the vibe the more positive your thinking will be.
- Wealth ~ how big is your container? How much money, love, support, time, etc. can you have and contain?
- Money ~ how big is your capacity to manifest and magnetize money and rich resources? Are you in vibrational alignment with it?
- Value ~ how much do you value yourself?
- Debt ~ how much do you feel indebted to others?
- Lack ~ how much are you focused on what you do NOT have?
- Sacrifice ~ how much are you giving up to achieve something else?
- Control ~ how much are you trying to control your environment? The truth is we control nothing.
- Martyr & $ Martyr ~ how much unnecessary suffering are you creating?
- Victim & $ Victim~ how often to you feel taken advantage of?
- Shame & $ Shame ~ how much hiding energy do you have? Do you wonder why clients can't find you?
- Anger & $ Anger ~ how much anger is simmering in the background that you may be unaware of?
- Sadness ~ how much unrecognized sadness keeps you from feeling joy?
- Fear ~ how much of feeling paralyzed, unmotivated, distracted, tired, disabled, pushed down, and powerless is from fear? Fear usually puts us in the future and is the greatest control mechanism on our planet. Specific fears can be identified during your session.
- Guilt ~ how much are you holding for past misconduct, immoral behavior, and/or harm to others?
- False Ego ~ how much do you identifying yourself with a character or personality that is not the real you?
- Light Quotient ~ how much light are you able to hold in your energy field?
- Heart ~ how open is your heart center?
- Joy ~ how much are you in a state of BEing generated from within versus happy which is a temporary feeling from outer experiences?
- Unconditional love for yourself ~ how much self-love vs self-loathe do you have?
- Pleasure ~ how big is your capacity to experience joyful gratification even beyond sexual pleasure?
- Passion ~ how big is your ability to connect with what excites you about life and your mission on this planet?... not to be confused with anger.
- Amusement ~ a great tool and energy to help us elevate above seriousness. Staying light keeps keep us in the higher frequencies.
- DNA ~ how many strands of your divine blueprint have you activated?
- Masculine ~ the mind: how much of this capacity do you access to use logic & reasoning, create structures, and get things done?
- Feminine ~ the heart: how much do you self-nurture, tap into your creativity & intuition, and collaborate?
- Embodied ~ how fully do you occupy your body? Not being in the body can be a coping mechanism for stress, but then you won't hear what your body is telling you.
- Consciousness ~ how much are you operating from your conscious mind versus your sub-conscious awake are you?
- Creative Rings ~ how many of your 100+ rings are you using to create and manifest?
- Senses ~ how many of your 360 senses are you accessing?
- Ascension ~ how far have you ascended?
- Dimensions ~ which dimension do you primarily exist in and how many of our 12 dimensions have you integrated?
- Circle of Reciprocity ~ how much can your give and allow yourself to surrender and feel safe to receive?
- Cords ~ how many people energetically block & siphon your energy and where do they plug in?
- Outgrown Spirit Guides ~ how many are still operating from old paradigms keeping you in outdated beliefs, ways of being, and old habits and where are they in your energy field?
- Interference ~ to what degree are you being controlled by outside influences? These can include Fear Entities, Control Beings, The 1%, Draco, and AI energies...all parts of the dark forces controlling the planet.
- Discarnate Beings (dead people) ~ do you have relatives, friends, or others who have passed on and have not ascended who are still carrying on their miserable life through you?
- Energetic Implants ~ used by the reptilian influence on the planet to affect our many do you have and where?
- Spells ~ these can be placed on you in this lifetime, or from past lives by people and groups. They are also being used by The 1% and Draco energies. How many do you have?
- Curses ~ these can be placed on you in this lifetime, or from past lives by people and groups. They are also being used by The 1% and Draco energies. How many do you have?
- Innate Warrior ~ "THE" most powerful part of our energy field with 360 degrees of heightened awareness where we access our 360 senses. How much are you accessing?
Benefits Of Your Vibrational Altitude Report™...
- AWARENESS: You'll understand why you struggle, feel disconnected, have financial troubles, and can't move forward in life.
- CLARITY: I will reveal where all your energy blocks hide that bring you out of your highest frequencies.
- EASE: No questions asked, no picture to see. I scan your quantum energy field from anywhere in the world.
After using the Hawkins' scale of human consciousness to measure everything for four years and after 25 ayahausca journeys in the Amazon jungle in Peru (2011-2016), I broke through his scale and created the NEW INFINITY SCALE™ that reflects the ability to access infinite possibilities. While we know they exist, accessing them seemed to be out of range...until now.
I access my infinite intelligence connected to the quantum field to read and measure your energy without needing to speak to you, know anything about you, nor needing to see a picture of you.
I have not heard of ANYONE that measures calibrations with such accuracy to help you amplify and accelerate your ascension. I have done thousands of these readings and the most common reply is: "You nailed it." "Spot on!"

What's included?
- Vibrational Altitude Report™ with about 50 calibrations of your energy field (value of $250)
- A complimentary 30 minute enrollment call to review your results and explore next steps (NOT a healing session) (value of $444)
- BONUS: I'm Ready For My Breakthrough Mini-Course (value of $29)
- BONUS: Activate My Money Manifesting Mini-Course (value $29)
TOTAL VALUE: Over $700 for only $250!
- This assessment is the prerequisite for working with Kimberly.
- It's designed for those committed to personal transformation, not casual inquiry.
- By proceeding, you agree to take full responsibility for your journey and outcomes.
- All purchases are final to ensure committed participation.
Report Delivery:
- We aim to deliver your report within 48 hours of purchase
- Please note: Orders placed on Fridays or weekends may take longer to process
- Remember to check your spam folder before contacting us about missing reports
Ready to unlock your potential? This assessment is your key to profound personal growth and the first step in working with Kimberly.
REQUEST NOW | $250Don't just take my word for it...see what others have to say!.. 🙋♀️🎶🎊
Mashail Ghammas
"It’s truly amazing how she could describe every little detail I needed to hear. I’m so glad I found her."
Bojana S.
"I am amazed by your Vibrational Altitude Report. This is so accurate. I feel like I can trust you since you are amazingly intuitive. I look forward to our 30 minute assessment session. You are the real deal."
Deb Dutcher
"Your report has nailed what is going on with me. You are amazing!"
Rosalyn Santos, Reiki Master
"Kimberly's knowledge and expertise is truly remarkable. As a healer and coach myself, I not only learned a lot, but have shifted a number of times. My gifts have expanded, my intuition heightened, and my fears are gone."
Christine Silva
"Kimberly quickly gets to the root of the issues that have plagued me for many years and 'life-times. Thank you!"
Phuong Phan, Business & Spiritual Coach
"I am a light-worker myself and I knew deep inside me I needed someone like Kimberly to reach new heights. Her gift is astounding and I would highly recommend her to everyone who is ready for a transformation."
Do you offer a payment plan?
What happens after I order Vibrational Altitude Report™?
Do I need to send a picture of myself or the person I'm requesting this report for?
I'm already an advanced healer, how will this help me?
Request your Vibrational Altitude Report™ and find out where you are on the energetic ✨🔮 spectrum. You may be closer than you realize...
Let's see!About Kimberly
Kimberly Sherry is an International Frequency Alchemist, Money Energy Expert, Inspirational Speaker, #1 Best Selling Author, and Spiritual Mentor, known for breaking through the Hawkins’ Scale of human consciousness and creating the new Infinity System™, Infinity Scale™, and MediClearings™.
She has helped tens of thousands of people across the globe break through life challenges and limiting beliefs to create great financial success, more loving relationships, and improved health and wellness.
If you are ready to fully empower EVERY ASPECT of your life, Kimberly's work is full of all you need for that empowerment!