27-day Infinite LπŸ’›ve Adventure Challenge πŸ₯€πŸ’žπŸŒΉ

"LUCK is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."
 πŸ€ Lucias Seneca

The world needs more LOVE. It's kryptonite to the dark forces on the planet. We each play a part in redefining the future of humanity. AND it always starts at home.

Join us for the challenge to create more unconditional love in our lives to generate more self-love, improve current relationships, and/or bring in a NEW aligned partnership.

This is all in preparation for the upcoming Valentine's Reconfiguration. We will help you redefine one of the most energetically charged holidays of the year that often triggers old pain, stirs up outmoded expectations, and leaves you feeling empty and longing. 

This powerful program was a direct downloaded and is energetically & numerically coded to bring amazing manifestations. It's the LAW. The Law of Attraction says we attract what we energetically emit.  We will be changing our frequency BIG TIME!!

What BENEFITS you can expect when you channel Pure Source Energy:

πŸ’› You will stop needing to prove your worth and value.

πŸ’› You will release expectations that keep you manifesting in circles. 

πŸ’› You will discover the elevated purpose of relationships.

πŸ’› Discover the two most common, destructive every-day energies.

πŸ’› We are preparing our luck for the Valentine's Reconfiguation!

πŸ’› We will create an inward momentum towards unearthing the foundation for ALL successful and rewarding relationships.

πŸ’› We will spend 27-days releasing outdated programs and beliefs, fears, old anger, and self-judgements that prevent our ability to self-generate love.

πŸ’› I will measure and calibrate all along the way to know exactly where we are energetically using the Infinity System™ and Infinity Scale™.

πŸ’› You will receive the energetic codes embedded in the number 1 (our thoughts create our reality) and number 2 (the seeds we are planting are beginning to grow) in these three 9-day phases:

  • 1/11 - 1/21 ~ Clear & Purify
  • 1/22 - 2/1 ~ Plant Intentions
  • 2/2 - 2/11 ~ Manifest

πŸ’› Ready for more L*O*V*E? 😍 Let's make room for something better!

Here is what is included:

πŸ’– Each week we will gather LIVE on Monday - Saturday (Sunday is an integration day on your own) on a recorded conference line for our daily 22-minute MediClearing™.

A MediClearing™ is an energetic process that teaches you how to "Run Your Energy" in a specific way while I'm in the background making sure specific unwanted energies are actually being released.

πŸ’– Recordings of all sessions.

πŸ’– New Moon energy to prepare our intentions.

πŸ’– Join others participants for private community support on FaceBook. Kimberly & Roma will also be checking in daily on the private FB support site.

πŸ’– Helpful illustrations, info on detox, reprogramming meditations, and more...

πŸ’– BONUS"Ready For My Breakthrough" mini-course ($19 value)

πŸ’– BONUS"Activate My Money Manifesting" mini-course ($19 value)  

πŸ“˜  Optional: Paperback version of "Access YOUR Ultimate Power: The Blueprint to Infinite Intelligence" ... you only pay for shipping.

IF YOU SIGN UP EARLY...you can start preparing by doing the two bonus mini-courses at your leisure..."Ready For My Breakthrough" & "Activate My Money Manifesting" Mini-course.



January 11 - February 11 @ 8:00 am PST (simultaneous time zones below) Monday - Saturday.

8 am PDT ~ San Francisco
11 am EDT ~ New York
4 pm BST ~ London
1 am AEST ~ Sydney (following day)

TIME ZONE CONVERTER to find your time:

All recordings are posted each day directly after each session in this portal and via email announcement.

Questions: [email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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