Dream Architect Toolkit

Create the most powerful vision boards on the planet!

Use the #1 system honed over more than a decade! 
This is far more than just putting your favorite pictures on a board and hoping for the best. There are vision boards and then there are Vision Boards on STEROIDS!

If you are one who likes the BEST, discover a newer, more successful approach honed over more than a decade. Allow the Law of Attraction to work in your favor by aligning to the highest vibrational frequencies possible through a simple yet powerful meditation.


  • When is the most powerful time to create my board?
  • The 5 most common mistakes people make when creating their board.
  • The 3 CRITICAL MUST DOs for a board that manifests what you desire most.
  • How to clear your board if it becomes contaminated?
  • What to do if your board stops working?
  • And MUCH MORE...


  • Intro Video
  • Video: LIVE Dream Architect Workshop
  • Video: Dream Architect Webinar
  • MP3 - Raise Your Vibes Meditation
  • 49 page Dream Architect Workbook
  • PDF Downloads of the MAP, TABS, and Clarity Worksheet

50% Complete

Two Step

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