Sign-ups for affiliate links are now READY!!

affiliate program Jun 28, 2020

Hello Beloved Friends...

I have great news for those who love my message and value the transformation I create. . .

There’s an authentic way to share your experience about working with me one-on-one or being a part of one of my programs with your friends and community.

You can not only generate additional $$ but also help other individuals raise their vibration ✨ and access ultimate power ~ there’s nothing more empowering than to witness united men & women leading this world into the Golden Age!

If this sounds like you, you can now join my affiliate program by signing up below:

Once you create an account you’ll find your unique shareable links to the specified products (‘Vibrational Altitude Report’ which is a prerequisite to work with me and ’33 Days Towards Courageous Leadership’ daily guided MediClearing practice program) on your dashboard.

How It Works:

  • Copy and share those links while recommending my programs;
  • When your friends/community click on a Share Link a cookie is placed in their browser for 30 days;
  • As long as they complete a purchase using the same browser where they originally clicked the Share Link, the sale will be credited to you;
  • You’ll receive a commission of 20% on every purchase.

If you have any additional questions please email: [email protected]

Can't wait to have you on board! 💕🥳

Abundant Blessings,


50% Complete

Two Step

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